
We organize events all around the country talking about …

17 July, 2022

Educational Planning

Whether it is a reassuring conversation, financial help, education, professional training, or simply the assurance that they are not alone, we will make sure that everyone gets support that meets them where they’re at as quickly as possible.

29 June, 2022

Health Programmes

Our entire team wants to see a world where every person struggling in any way feels able to reach out and has people who’ll help them with education, jobs, and more. We want to spread out in every region so we’ll be reachable to all.

25 May, 2022

Awareness Programmes

We want to build a world where no one feels alone and gets every possible help they need as soon as possible.

5 April, 2022

Food Programmes

Anyone Can Be a Food Donor: Large manufacturers, supermarket chains, wholesalers, farmers, and food brokers. Restaurants, caterers, corporate dining rooms, hotels, and other food establishments promptly distribute perishable and prepared foods to hungry people in their communities. Many food banks and food rescue organizations will pick up food donations free of charge, saving donors time and money.

10 March, 2022

Home Programmes

We can provide those in need with the furniture and household goods necessary to live in comfort and with dignity – free of charge.

3 March, 2022

Community Programmes

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes!